Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We're working on it!

Hello everyone,
Sorry it has been such a long time since we have commented. There are many things going on right now that will be affecting our fight for Nick's justice. Aside from personal events, we have had some difficulties about trying to get Nick justice via a criminal case. After spending our savings on a trip down to Texas, we have been extremely disappointed by its outcome.
We met personally with the District Attorney down there. Although they were very nice in their attitude toward us, they were very 'hardened' (I say hardened because it is the best word to match what I am trying to express, but this word may not be completely correct in expression) when it came to our plea. In general, the reason the truck driver who killed Nicholas cannot be put in jail is because there was no alcohol or drugs in his system. Though I must ask you, how many drivers out there are negligent without these inhabitants, and how does his lack of drugs/alcohol make him any less negligent?
I cannot understand the DA's reasoning, and thus the truck driver in our case is released on the road with nothing on his record. After many attempts to have something put on his record (even a traffic ticket), we had been (temporarily) quieted with "post-war" sadness. Yet, revived again in our efforts, we push forward.
This absurdity makes us even more determined to give the public the evidence it needs to prove innocence or guilt in the courts. Who can deny their own eyes?

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